Saturday, 30 August 2014

AGENDA 2: Historical Formalities


A view towards the begging of Via dei Fori Imperiali
If this research is exploring the nature of never-ending overlay of Rome as a city, it is completely logical to search for informality in its historical aggregation. The more I am digging, however, the harder is to find anything but informality in the urban development of Rome. This is forcing me to establish more clearly what is, in fact, formal.

Saturday, 2 August 2014

DAY 8: Baths of Agrippa


Down the road from the Pantheon, in one of the narrow streets behind it, I almost accidentally spotted a strange leftover. In the elevation of the street I saw a tall and thick wall which clearly stood there since the Ancient Rome. It was cutting the street elevation at two places, in fact being a semi-circular structure. I could tell that it was not part of a city wall as it was deep inside the centre of Rome and that it was probably a remain of a large public building. I could not tell, however, what set of circumstances led to its survival, while the rest is gone without a trace. The street came around it and alienated a surviving vault of a Roman Bath.